Distortion, men's health, doctors advice vitamin complexes. This increase male power and the components necessary to feed the cells. When used correctly vitamins for men to improve the power showed very good performance, but you must select them right.

The reasons for the weakening of power
Focusing on the might of power under the influence of the following reasons:
- strong physical activity;
- antidepressants application;
- endocrine pathology of the male hormone the shortage of lead;
- neurosis, anxiety, fears;
- disease, nervous, and urinary systems;
- hereditary predisposition;
- a sedentary job;
- neurological diseases;
- inadequate diet.
Also because of this, abuse, men's Health, Pathology, heart and obesity.
Effects of male potency vitamins and minerals which
For erectile function to improve the male body must precede the following vitamins:
- E — help improve blood circulation and to ensure uptake, blood, sexual organs, enhances the functioning of endocrine glands recovers, spermatogenesis.
- C — makes the blood vessels more flexible and strengthens the pelvic organs to be in a hurry. Ascorbic acid increases the amount of testosterone and prevents the development prostatitis, strengthens the immune system.
- D — help to produce sexual hormones and sexual desire to strengthen.
- B — inadequate, and reduces the sexual activity reduces the power of this article.
- A — the normal work of the road strengthens the immune system and reproductive system.
Vitamin also strengthens Male Power Works. Bring the greatest benefit potassium, magnesium, and zinc reduces the concentration of testosterone and sex drive, lowers the potency. Selenium is necessary because it increases sperm quality and improves reproductive function. This trace element is commonly prescribed for the treatment of infertility.

I need to start taking the time
Male 20-40 age the necessary vitamins A, B, and E. in the meantime, men's health positive effects against nervous tension. 40-50 years that will bring favor in vitamins A, C and E, They increase defense and strengthen the vessel wall.
Men over the age of 50 vitamin D is required to reduce the possibility of pathologies of the heart muscle and cerebral blood circulation.
You need to take vitamins in the winter and early spring, often a vitamin deficiency developing.
Also, in cases like this the start of the intake:
- difficulty obtaining an erection;
- corruption and lack of sexual drive;
- completion of sexual intercourse, premature ejaculation.
Contraindications and side effects
Vitamin A is contraindicated in the following situations:
- heart failure;
- the risk of thromboembolism;
- myocardial infarction;
- allergic reactions;
- renal parenchymal disease;
- hypertension;
- gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer;
- excessive noise in the nervous system.
The fund's adoption of the drug side effects you may experience when you:
- diarrhea;
- headache;
- irritability;
- excessive sweating;
- increased body temperature;
- drowsiness;
- allergies;
- violation of glycogen synthesis;
- printing functions the pancreas;
- dizziness;
- heat sensation;
- reddening of the skin.
Vitamins to increase potency in foods
Helps to increase male power foods rich in vitamins and trace elements.
The beneficial components of resources:
- zinc — bean casserole, spinach, pumpkin, meat, poultry;
- Vitamin B Yesil vegetables, wheat, bananas, figs, peas,;
- Vitamin C — milk, raspberry, citrus, apple, currant, tomato;
- Vitamin D are eggs, mackerel, liver, halibut, mushrooms;
- Vitamin E spinach, carrots, potatoes, cucumbers;
- selena — Brazil nuts, yeast, wheat, coconut, garlic;
- Vitamin A — watermelon, cantaloupe, onions, Yesil, cherries, grapes.
You want dishes, casseroles, or dinner — this way you can save useful components in the products. Consumed raw nuts, fruits and vegetables.

Vitamins and other drugs interaction
At the same time taking vitamins and other drugs, you should know that they interact with each other:
- laxative abuse, fat-soluble vitamins to strengthen the absorption of the power;
- Vitamin B1 benefits doesn't bring him, if in conjunction with the adoption of iron and copper;
- Good metabolize B vitamins if you consume them together with the calcium;
- sleep anxiolytics and hypnotics suppress the yield of B group vitamins;
- you cannot also vitamin B2 copper or zinc.
You cannot immediately take any medication vitamin complex after drinking this, because absorption of drugs from bad to worse. After 3-4 hours of standby proposed exercise taking any other medicines.
Doctors advice is required to develop vitamin complexes for the Almighty's instructions in accordance with specified dosage, side effects and contraindications. Various organs and body systems that will be significantly adversely affected by the dose time. Many components adverse effects in the endocrine system, therefore, need to take any medication after consultation with a doctor.